
The War On Dark Arts Mandatory National Defense Act (or WODAMND Act) was a law passed by the Wizards' Congress during the summer of 2009 in response to the crashing of the Roanoke Underhill and the reemergence of Abraham Thorn.

One of the provisions of the Act makes it legal to arrest private citizens of the Confederation without a warrant, as well as to treat juvenile offenders as adults. Another provision allows for citizens arrested under the Act to be held for up to six months without charges, or indefinitely if there is "compelling evidence" that they represent a "threat to the safety and security of the Confederation or any of its Territories."

The Act may have been the bill that Carlos Black described to a class of Charmbridge Academy students in April of 2008.

In August of `09, Geming Chu was arrested under the pretenses of the Act.


The WODAMND Act appears to be analogous to the Muggle USA PATRIOT Act, allowing for the suspension of certain individual rights under the pretenses of national security.

